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Oak Street Beach

Chicago 3.1 km
Très bonne
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Accès simple • Sable lumineux • L'eau cristalline • Plein de monde
6.7 Indice des commodités
Pour se reposer

Kathy Osterman Beach

Lincolnwood 7.3 km
Très bonne
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Accès simple • Sable lumineux • L'eau cristalline • Plein de monde
4 Indice des commodités
Pour se reposer

North Avenue Beach

Chicago 4.6 km
Très bonne
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Accès simple • Sable lumineux • L'eau cristalline • Plein de monde
5 Indice des commodités
Pour se reposer

Montrose Beach

Lincolnwood 9.1 km
Très bonne
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Accès simple • Sable lumineux • L'eau cristalline • Complet en haute saison
6.1 Indice des commodités
Pour se reposer

31st Street Beach

Chicago 4.3 km
Très bonne
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Accès simple • Sable lumineux • L'eau cristalline • Complet en haute saison
4 Indice des commodités
Pour se reposer

Clark Street Beach

Evanston 1.8 km
Très bonne
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Accès simple • Sable lumineux • L'eau cristalline • Complet en haute saison
5.1 Indice des commodités

Derniers avis sur Chicago plages

Oak Street Beach
8 Andrew "Drew"

We had a great time swimming in the evening at this beach while admiring the buildings, boats, and sunset. The shoreline is a bit rocky, and the water is not as clear as Foster Ave Beach, but I appreciate its proximity to the Magnificent Mile and the fact that it's just a short walk from our hotel. It's also not too crowded, and there are public restrooms nearby, although we didn't need to use them. Overall, we had a lovely time and plan to come back.

Whihala Beach
10 Sorin

A serene and picturesque beach nestled in a semi-private area of northwest Indiana, offering a refreshing escape from the bustling and noisy city beaches typical of Chicago and even Indiana Dunes. Its tranquil location makes it incredibly relaxing. There is ample parking available; you pay at the card machines and place your paper receipt on your dashboard to inform security that you've paid. The parking rates are reasonable, averaging $12.50 for two hours. You can extend your time in half-hour or hour increments until 6pm, which is when the beach closes. Security personnel inform everyone of the 6pm closing time. Large trash cans are available on the beach, but be cautious of bees that tend to swarm around them. Outdoor showers are conveniently located near the parking lot for rinsing off sand, and there are large port-o-potties near the showers as well. Note that there is no lifeguard on duty, so swimming is at your own risk. The water depth reaches up to 5'6", which is quite comfortable. The charming town of Whiting is easy and interesting to navigate through on the way to the beach, giving the impression of being in another state. However, be aware that you might be delayed by freight trains, Amtrak, etc., for up to 30+ minutes just before the beach entrance, as happened to me. Initially, everyone seemed impatient, but when the gates finally lifted, cheers erupted from multiple cars.

Kathy Osterman Beach
4 Gino

They claim you can swim here, but unless you're 4 feet tall, that's not really true. They constantly patrol the area in row boats, and even on green flag days, they won't let you go beyond waist-deep water for a short person. So, no real swimming. Additionally, there are homeless individuals around who might take anything left unattended.

North Avenue Beach
10 Maurice_Thunder

The beach view reveals a mesmerizing panorama where the blue sea meets the city skyline. Sunsets bathe the horizon in warm colors, softly illuminating both the sand and the skyscrapers. This scene effortlessly blends the peacefulness of the coast with the energy of city lights, crafting an enchanting visual experience that remains in your memory as a serene yet vibrant masterpiece.

Montrose Beach
10 Brielle Sullivan

Cette plage est l'endroit idéal pour que votre ami à fourrure se refroidisse dans la chaleur estivale! L'eau est assez peu profonde, et pendant les jours de semaine, il est beaucoup moins encombré. Il y a un parking gratuit à proximité. Gardez à l'esprit que c'est une plage de chiens, alors soyez prudent lorsque vous installez votre zone de bains de soleil - vous pourriez vous retrouver avec un chien marquant son territoire sur votre chaise! Jusqu'à présent, les gens d'ici ont été très sympathiques.

31st Street Beach
10 Mo Saad

Un de mes endroits préférés. Vous pourrez savourer la vue des gratte-ciel urbains. Vous pouvez faire des grillades là-bas.