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Plus de 30 000 plages avec des données plus détaillées et des filtres
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Fort Clarence Beach

Hellshire 1.4 km
Très bonne
Entrée payée • Station balnéaire • Accès simple • Sable fin et lumineux • L'eau turquoise • Complet en haute saison
7.2 Indice des commodités

Hellshire Beach

Hellshire 0.4 km
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Accès simple • Sable fin et lumineux • L'eau cristalline • Plein de monde
2.7 Indice des commodités
Pour faire la fête

Port Royal

Port Royal 0.4 km
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Accès simple • Sable gris • L'eau turquoise • Courte distance de route
2.7 Indice des commodités
Pour se reposer

Bayside Beach

Port Henderson 0.2 km
Entrée gratuite • Plage sauvage • Accès simple • L'eau bleu-vert • Désert • Sable brillant et rochers
1 Indice des commodités
Pour se reposer

Genesis Beach

Hellshire 3.1 km
Entrée gratuite • Plage sauvage • Accès simple • L'eau cristalline • Désert • Sable brillant et rochers
1 Indice des commodités
Pour se reposer

Gunboat Beach

Seven Mile 6.7 km
Entrée gratuite • Parking à proximité • Accès juste dès l'eau
1 Indice des commodités

Derniers avis sur Port Royal plages

Hellshire Beach
1 Najwa Lyons

I went to Celine’s with my best friend and 11-yr old son. We ordered 4 fish from the platter in presented. The fry fish you see in the list of images was the largest fish the others were obviously smaller. Our order was fish (3 steamed, 1 fried) fried chicken and fries, festival and bammy, 1 Lola champagne, 1 ting and a sorrel beer). The bartender kept insisting that we paid her separately for the drinks. Suddenly it was $500 for a sorrel beer, and $200 for each soda. When we went to pay for the fish we were told the pay the guy. Which guy? The guy who gave us the parking spot and said it was his mother’s place. So while one of the young ladies from the kitchen followed us to the car we searched for the guy to pay. It was there (at our car) we were told the fish was $2500/lbs and we ordered 12.5lbs of fish. See order above and images below. None of those fish weighed over 3lbs. The chicken and fries meal was $1500. So if do the math we doesn’t over $32000. While I wanted to argue the rationale of this all. I was with my son, wanted a relaxing Sunday afternoon before we go home this week back to my 50+hr/week while studying lifestyle I refrained. What we did verbalize was that they would never see us there again. Neither would I recommend anyone to go there. This was our second trip to Helshire in 11hrs due to other preferred options. Saturday afternoon we went to Hero’s Circle for crab and corn, then jerk chicken at Port Henderson. All were great. I really hope he enjoys whatever his cut of that money was, while living the life he deserves.

Port Royal
6 Lena Arvaniti.

The water is nice and the coastal air is refreshing. There is a long stretch of beach where you can camp out, and there are food places nearby. However, the beach coastline is not clean and there is a lot of washed up garbage.

Fort Clarence Beach
6 Hymie

Sous la nouvelle direction, la plage a subi une transformation significative, et bien que cela puisse être un peu coûteux, elle s'adresse désormais davantage aux familles. Les fruits de mer, le festival et le bammy étaient tous délicieux et satisfaisants.

Gunboat Beach no-photo
8 Aiden Kessler

Malheureusement, la plage n'est plus propice à la baignade.

Genesis Beach
10 Kaiya Lynn

Un havre serein où l'on peut se prélasser dans la beauté de la nature maternelle. Toutefois, le seul inconvénient réside dans l'abondance de déchets qui malheureusement détourne de l'expérience globale.