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Cala Girgolu

Aldia Bianca 0.3 km
Très bonne
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Pittoresque • Accès simple • Sable lumineux • Complet en haute saison
5.8 Indice des commodités
Pour se reposer

Spiaggia del Veraclub Amasea

Santu Diadoru San Teodoro 0.6 km
Très bonne
Plage en partie privée • Accès simple • Sable lumineux • L'eau cristalline • Petit espace ouvert • Complet en haute saison
8.3 Indice des commodités
Pour les explorateurs

Spiaggia Sud di Isola Piana

Punta Don Diego 1.3 km
Très bonne
Entrée gratuite • Plage sauvage • Sable lumineux • Accès juste dès l'eau • Complet en haute saison • Sans parking
0 Indice des commodités
Adapté aux besoins des aînés

Spiaggia Grande Baia

La Pipara 0.5 km
Très bonne
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Accès simple • Sable lumineux • Complet en haute saison • Parking éloigné
5.3 Indice des commodités
Adapté aux besoins des aînés

Cala d'Ambra

Santu Diadoru San Teodoro 0.8 km
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Pittoresque • Accès simple • Sable lumineux • Complet en haute saison
5.4 Indice des commodités
Pour les explorateurs

Spalmatore di Terra II

Punta Don Diego 2.7 km
Entrée gratuite • Plage sauvage • L'eau cristalline • Accès juste dès l'eau • Sable brillant et rochers • Fond de sable et de rochers
0 Indice des commodités

Derniers avis sur Salinedda plages

Li Marini beach
8 Tony's Birth

One of my top 5 spots in Sardegna.

Spiaggia Isuledda II
8 Neo

I visited Dog Beach on a Saturday in mid-July, and as I write this, the beach is almost empty, although there were about twenty bathers present this morning. The beach has deposits of posidonia, which are indicators of a clean sea and should not be removed for the pleasure of bathers; the sea will naturally take care of it. The beach and the pebble coves hidden among the rocks are perfect for those seeking silence and tranquility, even if you don't have a dog. However, there is a lack of basic amenities such as bins for unsorted waste or a water fountain for both four-legged and two-legged visitors. This does not justify leaving dog excrement or cigarette butts scattered around (which is always bad). It would be simple enough to bring a garbage bag and dispose of waste properly and legally. There is also a convenient free dirt parking lot just a few meters from the beach. In summary, if you're looking for DJ sets, entertainment, aperitifs, fashionable people, etc., you should look elsewhere and cultivate your hashtags in a different location.

Cala Girgolu
10 Nicolette Saffron

Stunning beach. You can rent paddleboards and kayaks at an affordable rate to explore the nearby beaches, which is definitely worth it.

Cala d'Ambra
8 Felix Rivera


Spiaggia dell'Isola Piana
10 mike b.

Typically less crowded than the other small beach on Piana Island, this spot is recommended when winds come from the south, as it stays well sheltered. If you arrive by boat or dinghy, be mindful of the emerging rocks and the shallow seabed.

Porto San Paolo
10 Erik Bensley.

Waouh, quelle vue incroyable ! Je me sens tellement chanceux d'avoir été témoin de cela en personne. Merci, Dieu.