Cala Rossa Beach

Syracuse 0.9 km
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Accès simple • Sable gris avec roches • Plein de monde • Fond de sable et de rochers
2.7 Indice des commodités
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Accès simple • Roches • Plein de monde • Fond rocheux
2.2 Indice des commodités
Entrée gratuite • Plage équipée • Accès simple • Sable lumineux • L'eau cristalline • Plein de monde
5 Indice des commodités

Derniers avis sur ĂŽle d'Ortigia plages

Cala Rossa Beach
8 Kellan Thorne

While it may not be the most exceptional beach (don't expect anything like the Maldives here...), it does offer a fantastic opportunity for a final dive during your visit to Syracuse. Don't forget to bring your towels, as there are convenient fresh water showers available on-site!

Spiaggia Diana nel Forte
8 Rina Teca

The beach in Ortigia and its surrounding area is a one-of-a-kind and pleasant spot for swimming. However, it tends to get quite crowded with rocks during the warmer months. Despite that, it's still worth checking out if you happen to be in the heat. The sunbathing area on the rocks and the water were also relatively clean, which is quite uncommon for beaches in Italy/Sicily.